Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR) NAD-Nias Perwakilan Nias melaksanakan Rapat Kerja Tahunan pada hari Sabtu, 28 April 2007 jam 8.30 sampai dengan 18.30 di Laverna Gunungsitoli.
Rapat ini akan dihadiri oleh Pimpinan BRR Perwakilan Nias, termasuk Kepala Distrik Nias dan Nias Selatan, KPA di lingkungan BRR Regional VI Nias, SAK dan PPK.
Agenda Rapat Kerja, sebagai berikut:
Paparan Kepala Kantor Wilayah VI William P. Sabandar, Kepala Perencanaan dan Pengendalian T. Nirarta Samadhi, Kepala Sekretariat Dody Hanggodo, Kepala Distrik Nias Yupiter Gulo, Kepala Distrik Nias Selatan Siduhu Aro Dachi dan Unit Pengawas Internal.
Paparan dari KPA Perumahan dan Infrastruktur Nias Buyung Sitompul, KPA Pengembangan Ekonomi, SDM dann Kelembagaan Armansyah Siregar, KPA Perumahan dan Infrastruktur Nias Selatan Asbel Parhusip, KPA Pengembangan Ekonomi, SDM dan Kelembagaan Hotner Sibarani.
Kelompok Diskusi
-Perencanaan dan Pengendalian
-Pengawasan Melekat
-Distrik Nias
-Distrik Nias Selatan
-Satker dan Proyek
Paparan Hasil Kelompok Diskusi
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Serah Terima Aset Hasil Rehab-Rekon Kepulauan Nias
Kepala Badan Pelaksana BRR NAD-Nias Kuntoro Mangkusubroto didampingi Menteri Perhubungan Hatta Radjasa sedang memberikan penjelasan kepada para wartawan seusai acara penyerahan dokumen pengelolaan aset hasil Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi di kepulauan Nias, Jakarta, Kamis, 19 April 2007. Aset senilai 13miliar rupiah dari Tahun Anggaran 2005 dan 2006 tersebut antara lain Dermaga darurat Gunung Sitoli dan Lahewa, Bandara Binaka, Gunung Sitoli, Kab. Nias dan Bandara Lasondre di pulau Batu, Kab. Nias Selatan. Mewakili BRR Perwakilan Nias dalam pertemuan ini adalah Kepala Sekretariat Doddy Hanggodo.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Pulau Terluar di Nias Banyak Dikuasi Orang Asing
Harian Kompas. Klik Judul untuk berita selengkapnya
Monday, April 02, 2007
Cetak Biru Pembangunan Nias Harus Berbasis Kepulauan
Senin, 02 April 2007
Gunungsitoli, Kompas - Cetak biru (blue print) program rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi Nias pascagempa bumi yang tengah dikerjakan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional harus berbasis kepulauan. Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-Nias meminta Bappenas membuat cetak biru tersendiri yang terpisah dari cetak biru pembangunan kembali Aceh pascabencana.
"Sebelumnya Nias hanya disertakan sedikit dalam blue print Aceh pascabencana. Sekarang Bappenas telah menyetujui blue print pembangunan kembali Nias yang tersendiri dari Aceh. BRR meminta agar blue print Nias pascabencana yang sekarang digodok di Bappenas ini harus berbasis pembangunan wilayah kepulauan," kata Kepala Perwakilan BRR di Nias William P Sabandar di Gunungsitoli, akhir pekan lalu.
Pentingnya cetak biru Nias yang berbasis pembangunan kepulauan, lanjut William, karena selama ini Nias sering dianggap bagian dari daratan (Sumatera Utara). Padahal, secara spesifik, karakteristik wilayah Nias dan Pulau-pulau Batu adalah wilayah kepulauan. Akibatnya, Nias justru menjadi wilayah yang terisolasi dan miskin di Sumut.
Penjabaran cetak biru yang berbasis pembangunan wilayah kepulauan, menurut William, bisa tergambar dalam rencana umum tata ruang dan wilayah oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Nias dan Nias Selatan. "Karena laut jadi pemersatu wilayah ini," katanya.
Dia mencontohkan, jika cetak biru Nias telah jadi, pembangunan sarana transportasi yang bisa mengintegrasikan wilayah kepulauan Nias menjadi salah satu prioritas. Dalam proses rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi yang dilakukan BRR selama ini, pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi berupa pelabuhan laut menjadi salah satu prioritas.
"Akan ada lima pelabuhan utama di Nias, yakni Pelabuhan Gunungsitoli, Lahewa, Teluk Dala, Sirombu, dan Pulau-pulau Batu. Pelabuhan Gunungsitoli dalam jangka panjang akan dikembangkan untuk kapal-kapal yang cukup besar," katanya.
Selama ini proses rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi Nias tidak berdasarkan cetak biru, tetapi bukan berarti BRR membangun tanpa konsep. "Konsepnya tetap ada, hanya tidak dalam bentuk blue print," ujar William. (bil)
Gunungsitoli, Kompas - Cetak biru (blue print) program rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi Nias pascagempa bumi yang tengah dikerjakan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional harus berbasis kepulauan. Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-Nias meminta Bappenas membuat cetak biru tersendiri yang terpisah dari cetak biru pembangunan kembali Aceh pascabencana.
"Sebelumnya Nias hanya disertakan sedikit dalam blue print Aceh pascabencana. Sekarang Bappenas telah menyetujui blue print pembangunan kembali Nias yang tersendiri dari Aceh. BRR meminta agar blue print Nias pascabencana yang sekarang digodok di Bappenas ini harus berbasis pembangunan wilayah kepulauan," kata Kepala Perwakilan BRR di Nias William P Sabandar di Gunungsitoli, akhir pekan lalu.
Pentingnya cetak biru Nias yang berbasis pembangunan kepulauan, lanjut William, karena selama ini Nias sering dianggap bagian dari daratan (Sumatera Utara). Padahal, secara spesifik, karakteristik wilayah Nias dan Pulau-pulau Batu adalah wilayah kepulauan. Akibatnya, Nias justru menjadi wilayah yang terisolasi dan miskin di Sumut.
Penjabaran cetak biru yang berbasis pembangunan wilayah kepulauan, menurut William, bisa tergambar dalam rencana umum tata ruang dan wilayah oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Nias dan Nias Selatan. "Karena laut jadi pemersatu wilayah ini," katanya.
Dia mencontohkan, jika cetak biru Nias telah jadi, pembangunan sarana transportasi yang bisa mengintegrasikan wilayah kepulauan Nias menjadi salah satu prioritas. Dalam proses rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi yang dilakukan BRR selama ini, pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi berupa pelabuhan laut menjadi salah satu prioritas.
"Akan ada lima pelabuhan utama di Nias, yakni Pelabuhan Gunungsitoli, Lahewa, Teluk Dala, Sirombu, dan Pulau-pulau Batu. Pelabuhan Gunungsitoli dalam jangka panjang akan dikembangkan untuk kapal-kapal yang cukup besar," katanya.
Selama ini proses rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi Nias tidak berdasarkan cetak biru, tetapi bukan berarti BRR membangun tanpa konsep. "Konsepnya tetap ada, hanya tidak dalam bentuk blue print," ujar William. (bil)
Protesters slam reconstruction, rehabilitation work in Nias
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Apriadi Gunawan, The Jakarta Post, Medan
Nias students protested Wednesday outside the North Sumatra Legislative Council in Medan over the pace of reconstruction on the earthquake-devastated island.
Members of the Nias Students Alliance criticized the provincial government for failing to draw up a reconstruction blueprint for Nias two years after the island was struck by a massive quake.
Protest coordinator Darnis Harita said the government was not serious about rebuilding Nias, pointing to the lack of an official reconstruction plan as proof.
He said reconstruction on the island would only be complicated by the lack of a blueprint, and claimed that numerous villages on Nias had yet to see any reconstruction activity.
"We estimate that around 50 percent of villages affected by the earthquake in Nias have not been rebuilt," Harita told The Jakarta Post.
Harita, who comes from Teluk Dalam district in South Nias regency, said many quake survivors were still living in makeshift shelters.
"Thousands of refugees are still holed up in tents because they have not been provided with houses. They have lived the last two years without being certain of their fate," said Harita, adding that some 200 Nias quake survivors were still taking shelter in Medan.
The earthquake that hit Nias on March 28, 2005, killed hundreds and forced around 70,000 people from their homes. Total losses on the island were estimated at around Rp 4 trillion (about US$450 million).
Aceh-Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) spokesman Emanuel Migo acknowledged Wednesday that some Nias quake survivors were still living in tents and temporary barracks.
He said the agency had built 6,332 permanent houses as of February this year, of the total 15,000 houses it hopes to complete by 2009.
He said that in addition to the BRR, a number of non-governmental organizations also were building houses for survivors.
"We have also received pledges from various agencies, including from the World Bank for 5,000 houses and the Canadian Red Cross for 2,500 houses. So we hope the problems will be overcome this year," said Migo.
Asked about a draft for reconstruction on Nias, Migo said the central government, through National Development Planning Board chairman Paskah Suzetta, had promised to complete a blueprint in two months at the latest.
"The Bappenas chairman conveyed this promise in Jakarta recently. We hope the blueprint can be completed on time," he said.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is also working to improve the lives of children and their families affected by the disaster.
It has built 41 semi-permanent schools for 9,000 elementary school students. More than 140,000 elementary school students have received school materials, such as books, paper and pencils.
However, two years after the earthquake, much of the island's infrastructure is still damaged, and the lack of accessibility and low capacity of local contractors continue to slow the reconstruction process.
"We have only started our work," head of the UNICEF Nias sub-office, Raoul de Torcy, said in a statement. "This is our chance to make the lives of the people better than they used to be even before the earthquake. UNICEF has a long-term commitment to the people of Nias, and we will not leave before our work is accomplished."
Apriadi Gunawan, The Jakarta Post, Medan
Nias students protested Wednesday outside the North Sumatra Legislative Council in Medan over the pace of reconstruction on the earthquake-devastated island.
Members of the Nias Students Alliance criticized the provincial government for failing to draw up a reconstruction blueprint for Nias two years after the island was struck by a massive quake.
Protest coordinator Darnis Harita said the government was not serious about rebuilding Nias, pointing to the lack of an official reconstruction plan as proof.
He said reconstruction on the island would only be complicated by the lack of a blueprint, and claimed that numerous villages on Nias had yet to see any reconstruction activity.
"We estimate that around 50 percent of villages affected by the earthquake in Nias have not been rebuilt," Harita told The Jakarta Post.
Harita, who comes from Teluk Dalam district in South Nias regency, said many quake survivors were still living in makeshift shelters.
"Thousands of refugees are still holed up in tents because they have not been provided with houses. They have lived the last two years without being certain of their fate," said Harita, adding that some 200 Nias quake survivors were still taking shelter in Medan.
The earthquake that hit Nias on March 28, 2005, killed hundreds and forced around 70,000 people from their homes. Total losses on the island were estimated at around Rp 4 trillion (about US$450 million).
Aceh-Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) spokesman Emanuel Migo acknowledged Wednesday that some Nias quake survivors were still living in tents and temporary barracks.
He said the agency had built 6,332 permanent houses as of February this year, of the total 15,000 houses it hopes to complete by 2009.
He said that in addition to the BRR, a number of non-governmental organizations also were building houses for survivors.
"We have also received pledges from various agencies, including from the World Bank for 5,000 houses and the Canadian Red Cross for 2,500 houses. So we hope the problems will be overcome this year," said Migo.
Asked about a draft for reconstruction on Nias, Migo said the central government, through National Development Planning Board chairman Paskah Suzetta, had promised to complete a blueprint in two months at the latest.
"The Bappenas chairman conveyed this promise in Jakarta recently. We hope the blueprint can be completed on time," he said.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is also working to improve the lives of children and their families affected by the disaster.
It has built 41 semi-permanent schools for 9,000 elementary school students. More than 140,000 elementary school students have received school materials, such as books, paper and pencils.
However, two years after the earthquake, much of the island's infrastructure is still damaged, and the lack of accessibility and low capacity of local contractors continue to slow the reconstruction process.
"We have only started our work," head of the UNICEF Nias sub-office, Raoul de Torcy, said in a statement. "This is our chance to make the lives of the people better than they used to be even before the earthquake. UNICEF has a long-term commitment to the people of Nias, and we will not leave before our work is accomplished."
Berita Dua Tahun Gempa Nias
BERITA-BERITA DARI KUNJUNGAN MEDUA 2 TAHUN GEMPA NIAS. klik judul untuk berita selengkapnya.
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