Friday, March 30, 2007

ADB and BRR Lead Mid-Term Review of ETESP’s SPEM Project in Nias

GUNUNG SITOLI, NIAS, March 16, 2007. Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Black & Veatch organized a mid-term review of Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project Package 24 (ETESP-24) project under the auspices of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency NAD-Nias (BRR NAD-Nias) and Agency for Regional Development Planning (Bappeda) in Nias on the work completed in four of the eight sub-districts namely Botomuzoi, Hiliduho, Namohalu Esiwa, and Tugala Oyo. It aims to disseminate the preliminary information gathered across these sub-districts and to seek BRR and Bappeda’s support for the ongoing activities.

The mid-term review was completed on March 6, 2007 in Bappeda Nias office and was well attended by delegates from Bappeda, ADB, BRR, NGO, and the community leaders from Hiliduho, Lotu, Botomuzoi and Namohalu Esiwa sub-districts. Topics discussed included ideas which will be incorporated into the RKPD, Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah, (Local Government’s Work Plan) and other NGO programs.

“We are delighted with what ETESP-24 has achieved. We would appreciate if the coverage is extended to the remainder of the island. We plan to incorporate these projects into our next budgeting and planning cycle,” says the Head of the Bappeda in Nias, Baziduhu Zebua.

A similar enthusiasm is expressed by William Sabandar, the Head of BRR Nias, “I expect ETESP-24 would cover all sub-districts in Nias and Nias Selatan and should be used not only by BRR, but also other stakeholders, the local government, NGOs, and donor agencies. These Action Plans will facilitate future planning for the local government and BRR.”

Since November 2006, Black & Veatch, under contract with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project Package 24 (ETESP-24) has been focusing on Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (SPEM) at the sub-district (kecamatan) level. This specific project, ETESP-24, is part of a suite of rehabilitation and reconstruction projects funded by the ADB and coordinated by the BRR, Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi NAD-Nias (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency NAD-Nias). The technical assistance will produce frameworks to assist “building back better” the areas in Aceh and Nias affected by the disasters.

ETESP-24 focuses on preparing spatial development planning frameworks and action plans for selected sub-districts and consolidates a broad spectrum of issues such as location data and stakeholders inputs as a basis for more accurate and balance detailed planning in the future. The frameworks include information on population and land area, land usage, economic activities and livelihood, environment and natural resources, government and institutions, social services, and infrastructure. Kecamatan Spatial Frameworks and Action Plans (KSF-APs) are being prepared for 20 sub-districts designated by BRR in Nias, Simeulue and Aceh Selatan.

Attending the mid-term review, Rehan Kausar, ADB’s Housing and Spatial Planning Advisor, explains, “These KSF-APs are not just documents but extremely valuable planning tools. That is why the involvement of the BRR and Bappeda is crucial to endorse this exercise. These frameworks identify projects in terms of priority and ideally should feed into the district’s public expenditure plan.”

The Team Leader of ETESP-24, William Bloxom, notes that while the current scope of work covers only eight sub-districts in Nias, these plans should serve as a model for the next session of field work.
According to him, one of the key aspects of this approach is defining the linkages between the individual sub-district plans. “If the same approach is followed for the remaining sub-districts, Nias would end up with an integrated network of plans all nested within the overall district spatial plan.”

The KSF-AP and data analysis are expected will be available for government planners and decision makers, donor organizations, local and international NGOs, community leaders and other organizations involved in development, reconstruction and rehabilitation in NAD-Nias.

“I think it’s important to start sharing that sub-district information with the UN, NGOs and the various Red Cross organizations. UNORC is always ready to work together and share information and data. Using these frameworks will help NGOs and UN in the coming years to identify small infrastructure project and seek the necessary funding,” recommends the Head of Office of the United Nations Recovery Coordinator for Aceh and Nias (UNORC) Nias office, Ros Young. She also explained that the problem in Nias for the last two years is that there weren’t much information about the conditions on the island.

To support effective and comprehensive planning, ETESP-24 utilizes the latest GIS technology and methods to determine and present up-to-date spatial information about an area. This information will facilitate more accurate and realistic determination of needs and more effective comparison of factors so the selected projects will contribute to a more rational and sustainable development.

As strengthened by T. Nirarta Samadhi, Head of Planning and Controlling Division of BRR Nias, “The advantage of ETESP-24 is that it will provide a geospatial database in mapping format as basis for decision making.”

For more information about ETESP-24 and other ETESP projects, please contact:

© ETESP-24 SPEM March 2007

ADB Extended Mission in Sumatera
Head of ADB-EMS
Jln. Cut Nyak Dhien 375, Lamteumen Timur
Banda Aceh, NAD 23236
T: 0651 41429 F: 0651 45773

BRR Nias Representative
Head of Planning and Controlling Division
Jln. Pelud Binaka Km 6,6 Desa Fodo
Gunung Sitoli, Nias
T: 0639 22848 F: 0639 22035

Deputy of Housing and Settlement
Jln. Muh. Thaher 20, Leung Bata
Banda Aceh, NAD 23247
T: 0651 636666 F: 0651 637777

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